
Live Streaming Qigong Sessions

Here you will find the dates, times, and links for upcoming Live Streaming Qigong Practice Sessions and Q&A. This page will be updated regularly as more sessions are scheduled.

After the 10th of December, we will take a break from the live sessions for a few weeks.


Recordings of past sessions:

Session format

The format of these sessions will be as follows:

  • 5-10 minutes welcome and discussion
  • 30 minutes qigong practice together
  • 15 – 20 minutes of Q&A

Session etiquette:

Please mute your microphone on entering the session, but leave your camera on – it can quickly get chaotic with too many people talking at once, but we would love to see your smiling face (please make sure you are appropriately dressed before turning your camera on ????).

Most initial communication will be done through the chat window – that way we can see the messages and questions without everyone being drowned out with noise. You can open the chat window by touching, or mousing over your screen. An icon that looks a bit like a speech bubble will appear at the bottom of your screen, click or tap on that and it will open the chat box which you can type into.

When it makes sense for us to talk back and forth about something – I will invite people who have put a question or comment in the chat box to unmute themselves temporarily for this purpose. The icon to mute and unmute is also found on the bottom of the screen.

There will be two windows with me in them. One closer up for when we are just talking or typing, and another wide angle for showing qigong practices.  To stop the screens from switching from one video view to another, you can either double tap on the video view you want to stay on, or on a computer, mouse over it and click on the three dots on that video window and then select ‘Pin Video’.


At this time these sessions will be free of charge, although of course donations are welcome. You can donate using the regular paypal links here.
